Grusel++ of the month

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/*                                                                            */
/*                                                          FILE: october.cpp */
/*                                                                            */
/*  Bringing some order into a heap of characters with overloaded operators   */
/*  =======================================================================   */
/*                                                                            */
/*  Compiled and tested with Visual C++ V6.0                                  */
/*                                                                            */
/*  V1.00   21-OCT-2001   P. Tellenbach   http://www.heimetli.ch/             */
/*                                                                            */

#include <iostream>

class Grusel
   char *text ;
   int   end ;

   Grusel( char *txt ) : text(txt), end(strlen(txt))

      std::cout << std::endl ;

   bool operator<( int pos )
      return pos + pos + 1 < end ? (*this)[pos + pos + 1] : pos < end ;
   bool operator>( int pos )
      return (*this)[(pos << 1) + 2], pos > 0 ;

   bool operator[]( int pos )
      return *this < pos && std::cout.put(text[pos]).good() && *this > pos ;
} ;

int main()
   return Grusel( "ol e l!Hlowrd" )[ 0 ] ;

Update 22. October 2021

Added the cstring-header and some const declarations.

/*                                                                            */
/*                                                          FILE: october.cpp */
/*                                                                            */
/*  Bringing some order into a heap of characters with overloaded operators   */
/*  =======================================================================   */
/*                                                                            */
/*  Compiled and tested with Visual C++ V6.0                                  */
/*                                                                            */
/*  V1.00   21-OCT-2001   P. Tellenbach   https://www.heimetli.ch/            */
/*                                                                            */
/*  Compiled and tested with g++ V10.2.1                                      */
/*                                                                            */
/*  V1.00   21-OCT-2021   P. Tellenbach   https://www.heimetli.ch/            */
/*                                                                            */

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

class Grusel
   const char *text ;
   int         end ;

   Grusel( const char *txt ) : text(txt), end(strlen(txt))

      std::cout << std::endl ;

   bool operator<( int pos )
      return pos + pos + 1 < end ? (*this)[pos + pos + 1] : pos < end ;
   bool operator>( int pos )
      return (*this)[(pos << 1) + 2], pos > 0 ;

   bool operator[]( int pos )
      return *this < pos && std::cout.put(text[pos]).good() && *this > pos ;
} ;

int main()
   return Grusel( "ol e l!Hlowrd" )[ 0 ] ;